Case Studies

Nam vel tincidunt diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent in tempus nisi. Sed congue lacinia turpis ut ullamcorper. Aliquam sagittis lobortis elementum. Mauris ornare ullamcorper sagittis. Duis facilisis dapibus tortor, ac sollicitudin ipsum venenatis in. Etiam aliquet, urna eget egestas iaculis, sapien lacus tincidunt magna, quis euismod arcu mi non odio. Morbi sed consequat libero. In rhoncus volutpat mauris convallis varius.

Jerry Robinson

Jerry represents and counsels owners and investors in a range of complex commercial real estate transactions throughout the United States, including the representation of owners

Leslie Gross

Leslie Gross represents and counsels owners and investors in a range of complex commercial real estate transactions throughout the United States, including the representation of owners

Dana Sims

Dana Sims represents and counsels owners and investors in a range of complex commercial real estate transactions throughout the United States, including the representation of owners

Kimberly Barker

Jerry represents and counsels owners and investors in a range of complex commercial real estate transactions throughout the United States, including the representation of owners

Jerry Robinson

Jerry represents and counsels owners and investors in a range of complex commercial real estate transactions throughout the United States, including the representation of owners

Jerry Robinson

Jerry represents and counsels owners and investors in a range of complex commercial real estate transactions throughout the United States, including the representation of owners

See the Testimonials.

As the one who recently suffered from the FELA (Federal Employers’ Liability Act Claims) related issues, I’ve been desperate to find a firm who could have won my case… Then I found these guys! Finally, 3 months later the truth and the law prevailed, all thanks to this firm’s lawyers diligence!

- Daniela Robbery

Business litigation has always been what our competitors were using to suppress us… But as soon as we’ve hired this law firm, which by the way had fees 5 times lower than the one our competitors paid to their lawyers, we finally had all the disputes resolved in our favor!

- Gary Growles


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228 Park Ave S,
New York, NY 10003-1502, US